Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bad Iron Man Design Choices, Pt. 1

So, as much as I dearly love the classic Iron Man, there are some design choices that, shall we say, are better left in the past. To wit:

Why yes, Billy. Those are in fact ears on Iron Man's helmet. No, Billy. We shan't speak of this again. At least not until we get around to the ill-fated decision to have his nose on the helmet.

Oh, crap. I guess we've gotten around to it.

(Side Note: The Crimson Dynamo doesn't fare so well there, either, what with the 15-inch TV head and corrugated steel skirt.)

OK, Billy. It's time to rest now, and pretend that we revere anything in comics published before 1980.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Nose" incident has JUST a lame origin as the nose itself.

According to myth and legend (and Stan Lee's memory - which may be spotty, at best), the nose appeared because while he was looking over some then-recent issues of Iron Man, he noticed, that in profile, artists didn't seem to leave any room for someone wearing that helmet to even have a nose.

It was almost flat from forehead to chin.

So, he mentioned to someone (I've long since forgotten editor, perhaps) that they need to "give him a nose".

While he MEANT for the artists to allow some space FOR a nose, they took it to mean give the HELMET a nose.

It went like that for a few months or so until Stan saw a then-then-recent issue and flipped out.

"WHAT's with the NOSE?"

"But STAN... you told us to give him a nose!"

So, the miscommunication was rectified and they started to give some "nose-room" in the helmet.


10:01 AM  
Blogger Nick said... Man doing the Crane Kick from Karate Kid in that first cover.

Tony Stark...stealin from Daniel-san. For SHAME!, lol.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one amazing cover.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the first cover, it looks like he's wearing boxers too. Either that or he designed some robotic junk covered with robotic cloth for his suit. " just keeps me alive guys!"

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what's worse, the nose or the fact that he says "THRU"

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Kashif Sohail said...

Thanks for pposting this

3:23 PM  

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